Who Else is Ready for Autumn?

I’m not really a summer person. The heat and humidity just don’t agree with me. This year has been particularly wet here in the Southeast, so the humidity has been insane.

On top of that, I had to have surgery on my foot, which is still bandaged after 3 weeks. Outdoors is not my favorite place right now.

Because I usually sit in a kneeling chair at my desk, which puts me up higher to make typing easier, I haven’ t been writing much. With these toes, which I’m not supposed to bend, the kneeling chair is right out. And all the office chairs are just that much too short to make working at the desk comfortable.

But I’ve been working on editing some of Mellie Miller’s books for one of her series. And I have two more from me in queue for editing with my editor.

Don’t forget the Book Sale over at Smashwords. Master of the Fleet and all of the books in the Gambler’s Folly and Esperance series are included. Just go to my profile page and scroll down to find your next read!

In the meantime, remember,

Always Look for the Magic…

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About Me

Thank you for checking out my blog! Sultonna Nadine is a pen name for Mellie Miller. As Sultonna, I write books which don’t fit into any of my series. But don’t worry! These stories are still filled with Romance and Magic. Some are more lighthearted, some more magical, and some delve into alternate realities.

Welcome to my worlds!
