Book Sale Coming Up!

Yes, it’s that time of year again! Time for the Smashwords Summer/Wnter Sale.

What is that, you ask?

Twice a year, Smashwords has a book sale on their site. All their authors can choose to enter their books in the sale at a discount–and they choose the discount.

And all my books are included!

So if you’re new to my books or want to finish out a series, now is the time. As you may or may not know, I also write under the mane Mellie Miller for my series. So while Sultonna has only one book available for right now, there are several others to choose from!

So go over to my Smashwords Profile page, scroll down and find something which grabs your interest.

Sale starts July 1, so watch for it.

And remember,

Always Look for the Magic…

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About Me

Thank you for checking out my blog! Sultonna Nadine is a pen name for Mellie Miller. As Sultonna, I write books which don’t fit into any of my series. But don’t worry! These stories are still filled with Romance and Magic. Some are more lighthearted, some more magical, and some delve into alternate realities.

Welcome to my worlds!
